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The orgone energy generators known as orgonites are based on two principles; it's a mix of resin, which is organic because it is based on the petrochemicals, and metal shavings, which is inorganic.
Orgonite has been one of the most popular and powerful concepts in our modern world.
Orgone energy is also defined as life force energy, chi, prana, ether. The ability of orgone devices is to convert negative energy into positive, life-affirming energy, balance the spiritual aspect of a being, healing crystals and quarts that balance and harmonize our bio-energy field.
Orgonite has been shown to protect against the harmful effects of EMFs and other disturbances. It can help to balance the energy of a home, car or office space.

What is the Purpose of Orgonite?
Orgonite has several purposes for people and pets. It helps to transform lower vibrational energy, also known as negative energy, into higher vibrational energy.
When you wear, hold, or stand near a piece of orgonite, the orgone device will clear negative energy from your field, creating a balanced and healthy state. It can clear negativity from your surroundings as well as from your being. It is often used for protection from wireless devices as well.

The Orgonite Pyramid Explained
The unique combination of organic and inorganic materials within the pyramid structure creates a powerful energetic vortex, generating a constant flow of positive energy while transmuting negative energies into harmonious vibrations.
Placing an orgonite pyramid in your living space or sacred environment can promote a sense of balance, serenity, and vitality. Experience heightened spiritual awareness, enhanced meditation practices, and an overall uplifted atmosphere. Embrace the transformative energy of our orgonite pyramids and open the gateway to a world of positive vibrations and energetic harmony.
Healing Necklaces Aspects:
These Necklaces are perfect for metaphysical gift that helps your loved one to repelthe negativity and contributes optimism. Each spiritual healing necklace has aspecific psychic crystal with different vibration, emitting positive energy to tune inand purify aura. These pneckleces are very good for people, who often worn to bring wellbeing and delight.

