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How Lifewave Patches Changed My Non-verbal Autistic Son's Life: A Mother's Testimonial
Joan, "Memory Loss" Lifewave x39
"My 89 year old mother has experienced similar results with x39. She has cognitive deficits mainly from a stroke several years ago. She has almost no short term memory and struggles to articulate herself verbally. Almost every sentence would be disrupted by her stopping to try and recall basic words need to express herself.
Another amazing story about these life changing patches!
Some vcomments:
""Awesome, you can tell mom is really proud. I’m just starting my daughter with autism. She’s not an adult so I’m only doing about 4 hours on the patch no more.""
"I am sooo happy for you and your son. I am on my way to do this with my almost 23yrs. Old son who was missed diagnosed with ASD Non-verbal, but had a TBI. Am excited!!! For us
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