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Kundalini Yoga Meditation

The first thing to know is what it isn't. It isn't magic, and it isn't a belief or a religion. It is simply a technology - a set of simple techniques that use what you have (your mind, senses, and body) to create a communication between you and your mind, and between your mind and your body.

Meditation is a time to be with yourself. Meditation is a time to connect with your breath, a time to be present to the life force in your body, a time to re-establish your own rhythm, a time to talk to your higher self, a time to be in love with your unique life. Meditation is between you and YOU.

Just like a daily shower cleans your body, a daily meditation cleans your mind, to help you focus your energy, avoid mistakes, stay healthy, and become more kind and prayerful. It helps you clear your subconscious, and to stay fully present.

It is an opportunity to create a stillness within yourself where you do not react to the unceasing flow of the mind. You can quickly and comfortably process all sorts of feelings and thoughts, and easily rejuvenate and relax yourself so you can handle stress and create rapport with those around you.


Where do I do it?

Any place where you can be undisturbed for a while, preferably someplace that is neither too hot or too cold. Sit on something supportive, but soft - most Kundalini Yoga practitioners like a wool or cotton blanket, or a sheepskin. For people who are stiff, a firm pillow (4-6 inches thick), placed under the buttocks, relieves pressure on the lower spine. If you can't sit comfortably in a cross-legged position on the floor, then sit in a chair, making sure that your weight is equally distributed on both feet. The goal is to ensure that the spine is erect and reasonable straight (the spine is the central channel of nervous system energy).

Many people like to create a special spot in their home that they set aside for the purpose of meditation, often putting some objects in the spot that uplift them and remind them of their spirit, or of nature.

When do I do it?

Any time you are ready to try it and are feeling alert is a good time. Experienced meditators prefer the early morning hours, between 4 and 8 am (called the ambrosial hours). Nothing much is going on at this time, so you are unlikely to be disturbed by the energy or activities of daily life.

Many people like to meditate before bed. This helps to clear away the worries and troubles of the day. preparing you for deep sleep and to build your energy for the new day.

It is best not to meditate after a big meal, since all the blood is in your stomach, leaving little for your brain.


How long should I do it?

Each meditation is different - they work on different aspects of the mind and body, so the time varies with the technique, anywhere from 3 minutes to 2 1/2 hours. The common times used are 11 minutes, 15 minutes, 22 minutes, 31 minutes, 62 minutes, 1 1/2 hours, and 2 1/2 hours.

Start with what is comfortable for you. Even 5 minutes will bring benefits. The first benefit is the chance to simply stop your automatic routine, the unconscious patterns leading you through life without even noticing that you are alive.

How should I dress? Any way you like, and find comfortable and non-restrictive. There are several aspects of dressing to consider. The first is comfort. Some meditations use physical activity, and many people like to do some yoga or similar exercises to prepare, so you should dress in a way that will allow you to relax and freely do any exercises.

Most Kundalini Yoga practitioners consider meditation a special time, a time to connect with yourself, and choose to dress in a way that honors this. They choose clothing that is clean, fresh, and often light in color and composition. Many practitioners also use cotton head coverings of various types, such as prayer shawls, turbans, yarmulkes, and so forth. Like long hair, these coverings have been found to maximize the source of etheric and solar energy entering the body. Whether or not you choose to use a head covering, tying your hair up and back aids in concentration.

Is there a special diet?

It is recommended that meditators eat lightly and with the goal of good health in mind. Many practitioners have become vegetarian, choosing the lightest diet that allows the mind to be calm and focused. Lowering the protein and acidity from meat helps. There are some meditations, particularly for healing, that do have a special diet to work on a specific gland or organ, but in general, there are no requirements. Avoiding drugs, other than those prescribed by a doctor, is also recommended, as psychoactive drugs may imbalance your body and mind.

How do I do it?

Before trying a specific meditational technique, it is useful to understand two basic components of most Kundalini Yoga meditations: the use of sounds, and the use of breath.


 “Sat Nam,” meaning “true identity” or true essence.” 

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