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The Enlightede Orgonites Mantra  Necklaces 

Wearing our Healing  Mantras Orgonite Necklace, or orgonite pendants, is the best way to feel positive energy and happiness, and absorb the Orgone energy. That’s the effect of using Orgonite, which helps shift negative vibes to good ones.

The Enlightened Harmony  Orgonite mantra necklace

When you wear our  Healing Necklace, it’ll always be in contact with your body. With that, your energy will absorb the orgone energy (bio energy), then will be brought back to its balanced state.

 Each Neclaces  Orgonite is handcrafted  with  Love and Care  Mantras harmony.Ensuring that every piece is unique and infused with positive intentions. Embrace the power of symbolism and the energy of orgonite in this remarkable creation.

"All our Necklaces  contain:

Quartz, Selenite, Kyanite, Pyrite, Black Obsidian, Amethyst. (some bigger ones have even more) in order to pack these elements into small, portable shape, I have to crystallize the stones to tiny pieces then pack them into these small OGs."